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In today's competitive business landscape, companies are constantly searching for ways to maximize their efficiency and profitability. One often overlooked aspect of this quest is the value that human capital brings to an organization. Human Economic Value Added (HEVA) is a concept that sheds light on this crucial element, allowing companies to understand and enhance the true worth of their employees. Human Economic Value Added (HEVA) measures the economic contribution of human capital to a company. It goes beyond the traditional financial metrics and recognizes the impact that employees have on the organization's overall performance. HEVA takes into account factors such as skills, knowledge, experience, and productivity, providing a more comprehensive evaluation of the value employees bring to the table. Calculating and enhancing Human Economic Value Added is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows companies to accurately evaluate the contribution of their employees, e...


A company that learns faster than its competitors can take a step ahead of the competition. In my article "Mastery System", I shared my thoughts about what this system is and what risks it has for the company. In this article, I will try to express my opinion on what steps should be taken to prevent such a situation in the management system. The reason for the existence of the mastery system is that the management system is not fully regulated. The lack of regulation of the management system means the absence or insufficiency of regulatory documents regulating the activities of the company. In unregulated systems, due to the fact that the problems that will arise related to the system op eration are not determined in advance, uncertainties and stops can occur in the process flow. In addition, one of the most affected systems within the company's overall management system is the company's human resources system. So, as I mentioned in the previous article, the maste...


The mastery approach is the corporate incompetence created against the background of the inadequacy of the regulatory framework regulating activities in the enterprise, and in this environment of incompetence, employees perform work not according to any regulatory documents and instructions, but according to their personal practices or the instructions of other relatively more experienced employees. One of the biggest challenges facing companies in terms of human resources is a low-skilled workforce that does not have a deep understanding of their work. In particular, this problem manifests itself more prominently in production enterprises where there are complex technical processes where technical knowledge is more required. As we all know, the level of competence of the company's human resources affects the effective operation of the company's business processes, the company's strategic goals, and financial indicators. The problem of incompetent workforce brings with ...


all qualification requirements are actually intended to ensure the competency requirements and are important if they meet these competencies. It can be said that in almost all companies, regardless of whether they implement competency-based HR systems or not, the seniority criterion is one of the indispensable criteria in job requirements. As we've probably all seen in job postings, after a few general template competency requirements, there are absolute work experience and education requirements. Of course, if the position is a position that requires qualifications. At the same time, there are extremely low-qualified and inexperienced job seekers who complain about the barrier of the seniority requirement in the labor market. Job seekers in this category sometimes direct their legitimate objections to the company's human resources staff: "Everyone is looking for an experienced employee, so where do we get the experience?" I will try to answer this question in other ...

KPI Definition Form Example - Competency Index of New Hired Personal

Dear  Gulf Elite HR & Recruitment Solution ,   here I placed an example of KPI Definition Form of Competency Index of New Hired Personal KPI, which used in META Consulting & Investment company upon your request. I hope it'll be useful for you Best regards, Elvin Mahmudov